
News September 15, 2020

Covington Achieves "Mansfield Rule Certification 3.0 Plus" for Diversity

News March 23, 2020

The Hill Recognizes Covington's Public Policy Practice

News March 23, 2020

Laboris Adipi Sicing Laborum Qui Esse

News March 23, 2020

Lorem Ipsum Minim Cillum In Ullamco

At Covington, we recognize the differences among us as an asset and a source of strength. We believe that excellence in the practice of law knows no racial, ethnic, gender, religious, sexual orientation, or other boundaries.

Covington lawyers bring a wide variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and life experiences to our practice. By recruiting, retaining, developing, and promoting a diverse group of lawyers, we advance the interests of our clients, our practice, and our entire profession.

Key Contacts

Catharina Y. Min


Clara J. Shin


Matthew S. DelNero


Marlene Aquino
