
News March 23, 2020

The Hill Recognizes Covington's Public Policy Practice

News March 23, 2020

The Hill Recognizes Covington's Public Policy Practice

News March 23, 2020

Laboris Adipi Sicing Laborum Qui Esse

News March 23, 2020

Lorem Ipsum Minim Cillum In Ullamco

Our clients benefit from the experience of our more than 120 former government officials, diplomats, and regulators.

In an increasingly regulated world, we have an exceptional ability to help clients navigate their most complex global business problems. Covington professionals take a holistic approach to deals, disputes, investigations, and policy challenges—whether they are centered within a particular country or have international implications.

We use our extensive insight about the workings of governments around the world to provide practical business advice. Through our “Mini State Department,” our clients benefit from the experience of our more than 120 former government officials, diplomats, and regulators, who work seamlessly with our teams of litigators, regulatory lawyers, and deal makers.

Global Reach